Chemical & Refinery

For critical petrochemical applications and non-critical industrial water treatment think: Pulsafeeder PulsaPro hydraulically actuated metering pumps.

Chemical and Refinery Applications

Accurate metering of hazardous and non-hazardous chemicals. For high pressure injection of hydrocarbons, catalysts, peroxide, hexane or where process chemicals are flammable and atmospheres are hazardous, PulsaPro hydraulically actuated diaphragm metering pumps can provide the dependability and safety you require.

Custom configuration to tailor to your application. Look to PulsaPro for custom pump configurations that required features such as multiplexing, NEMA 7 explosion proof stroke controllers or special materials. Depend on Pulsafeeder engineering know-how when situations require PULSAlarm pressure type leak detection, double diaphragm construction and remote head applications. And choose Pulsafeeder when stringent testing and material traceability is required to ensure your PulsaPro is ready to go from day one.

Industrial Water and Wastewater Treatment

Refineries are amongst the biggest water users on the planet, because water plays a key role in cooling processes: every 50,000 barrels of oil refined generates almost 1-trillion BTUs per hour, and most of this heat is removed by water. Large refineries can require tens-of-thousands of gallons per minute to operate, and this is why most refineries are located near rivers or other waterways.

Chemical and petro-chemical plants invest billions each year in water acquisition, treatment and disposal. They require almost three pounds of water for every pound of plastics, polymers, and adhesives produced. Properly managing water & wastewater investments can save one-to-two percent annually – which adds up to hundreds-of-millions of dollars each year for larger chemical manufacturers.

There’s a direct correlation between the efficiency of the refinery and the cleanliness of the water used.

Whether it’s a refinery or a chemical plant, the quality of incoming water can vary by storms or other man-made interactions, so it must be cleaned to remove organic impurities and to prevent micro-bio organisms from damaging the plant’s pumping & piping infrastructure.  Most plants reuse water (several times), but it must be cleaned again before it can be reused, or ultimately returned to its original source.

PulsaPro Hydraulically Actuated diaphragm metering pumps are used in a variety of water treatment applications – such as disinfection and pH balancing – in many of the largest plants around the globe.

PulsaPro pumps with PULSAlarm pressure type leak detection and Hypo Valve degassing valve are the right choice for applications where you must protect the environment and maximize personnel safety.

And PulsaPro pumps are commonly used to meter corrosion inhibitors and anti-scaling chemicals needed to protect plant equipment.

Common Products for this Application


Typical applications are acids, caustics, polymers, bleaches, pH control, solvents, dyes/ink, catalyst, cleaning agents, and much more.


PulsaPro Series is a perfect fit for Water & Wastewater Treatment, Oil & Gas and Industrial applications.

Want to talk Petrochemical?

Pulsafeeder works extensively with world’s largest EPC and Petrochemical Companies in Upstream/Midstream/Downstream segments. We understand the process, and the requirements for Petrochemical Industry. We invite you to contact us, we love to talk about the products, packages and support that Pulsafeeder can provide.